Presentations are an art and a science. Too many times presenters have slide presentations that don’t blend with their talking points, or even reach their objectives. I believe that slides, talking points, and the overall presentation should be based on the data, subject matter, and/or the style (or talents) of the presenter. Much like a great coach of a sports team, you make plays that fit your team’s style and their talents. This should be the strategy for a successful presentation, and it will allow the presenter to feel most comfortable, which in turn will be appreciated and noticed by the audience. Use your slides as a road map or a solid tool in your overall presentation. Using them as your guide to your presentation keeps both you, and the audience on agenda. This interesting article poses the question “Should you ditch the PowerPoint?” And, if you still like your PowerPoint, read the book by Garr Reynolds, “Presentation Zen” for some great techniques, rules,and ideas on presentation design and delivery.

Check out this NPR article on presentations.


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